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CHIX class descriptions




10:00 AM     Ener-Chi with Amy (Silver Sneaker Qualified)

5:00 PM       Cardio Chix Circuit with Jamie and Michelle

6:00   PM     Speedball with Michelle

6:50   PM     U-Jam dance Fitness with Susan


9:00   AM     Silver Sneaker Classic with Amy

6:00   PM     Barre Above with Susan

7:00   PM     Piloxing SSP/Booty Builder with Haley


5:00   PM     Pop Pilates with Diane

6:00   PM     WERQ/Zumba dance Fitness with Vicki



10:00  AM     Dance Party with Amy

11:00 AM       Silver Sneaker Yoga with Amy

5:00   PM     Strapped (TRX) with Shelby – Sign in Sheet

6:00   PM     Pound Fitness with Susan

7:00   PM     Bungee Circuit with Jamie/Michelle/Jennifer

(RSVP for bungee on website



 12:00 NOON  Lunchtime Express (format varies

 Weekly.  Watch FB post)



9:30 AM       Bungee Circuit with Jamie/Michelle/Jennifer

(RSVP for bungee on website






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Combines easy to learn tai chi forms and qigong exercises to improve well-being through mindful movement. While learning and practicing forms, attention is given to transferring weight smoothly, maintaining postural control and focused breathing techniques.

Cardio Chix Circuit 

Interval training with variety of cardio exercises.

Speedball Fitness 


Speedball Fitness LLC is a global brand with classes at Equinox in New York City and facilities in Europe, Canada, and South America. Speedball is a cardiovascular and muscular endurance class – incorporating a medicine ball as a resistance tool – with a focus on multidirectional movement and core stabilization.

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U-Jam dance Fitness

Urban beats with hip hop flavor.

Catch this fun cardio class

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The Chix Breakfast Club 
Silver Sneaker Classic

Beginner Level Circuit Class
(Accepts Silver Sneakers members. Bring ID #)



Barre Above 

Rock it at the barre!  Barre Above® blends the latest exercise science with the principles of the Lotte Burke method (the genesis of the Barre movement) delivering a fusion of ballet, pilates, yoga and strength training in each workout.



Piloxing /Booty Builder


A non-stop, cardio workout fusion of standing pilates, boxing and dance that will push you past your limits for a sleek, sexy, and powerful you! 

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BootyBuilder, the newest PILOXING program that focuses on strengthening your glute muscles for better mobility, flexibility, and balance


WERQ Dance Fitness/ Zumba Dance Fitness 

Take your dance party to an all new level with Werq and Zumba dance classes -- Get moving

and get grooving for a more powerful you.  

Pop Pilates 


Pop Pilates takes classical pilates to the next level by challenging students to rhythmically flow from one exercise to the next, developing a rock-solid core and leaving no muscle untouched. It is a mat-based fusion of ab-chiseling and total body defining moves choreographed to your favorite Top 40 hits.


Dance Party

Aerobic dance workout for all fitness levels.


Suspension training using body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability.

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The ROCKOUT WORKOUT! Channel your inner rock star with this full body cardio jam session inspired by the infectious, energizing, and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums.


Pound Fitness


Silver Sneaker Yoga

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Incorporates a Balance/Core Workout and Flexibility.

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Chix in Flight TM Bungee Fitness
Bungee Circuit 


Bounce, jump and fly into fun with this wildly popular class. You will be suspended from the ceiling by a bungee cable that will help support your joints and allow you to work out in an entirely new way. Due to the limited number of spots, this class is available by reservation only.



Coming soon!  Pomsquad Fitness and Bounce.


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930 16th Street

Bedford IN 47421


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