Everyone would agree one of the best parts of a great Chix workout is the music. Pop, classic rock, Latin, the list goes on. Here at Fit Chix, we’ve got the beat! Where do the Chix instructors get their great music for workouts. The answer is . . . a variety of sources! Check out the following deals for workout music:
Spotify: $14.99 a month will get you a family plan for 6 members at same address
Power Music: $15 per month gives instructors great mixed music at various beats per minute to match the workout as needed.
Apple Music: $14.99 a month for family plan that allowed access to songs in Apple I Tune Library. Never not been able to find the song I was looking for yet.
Amazon Music: Comes with the Amazon Prime package.
Yes Go: Another library of beats per minute songs for instructors. Again $15 a month.
We don’t just listen to music while working out. We hit the fast track on podcasts. Favorites?
True Crime Junkies: Two cool chicks from Indiana discuss a variety of unsolved crimes. They have gotten some solved due to their efforts. Check out one close to home with the Lauren Spirier case.
Clear + Vivid with Alan Alda. Interviews with variety of interesting subjects and celebrities. Favorite: 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
Bible in a Year: Helps you read the scriptures by keeping you on track.
Devotional Doctors : Local Washington Co PhDs tie medicine and science to Bible subjects. My mama is an interviewee on her experiences with hospice care.
Let’s Talk with Michelle Hardman: Local Bedford resident interviews various businesses. Fit Chix and Rockin Rebels included!
Catch most of the on Apple and Spotify. Share your music package of choice and favorite podcasts with the Chix!
9/22/2021 SS