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That is a little harsh, we know you know 'squat.' The title is to grab your attention. Here you are reading this so it must have worked! HAH! Welcome to our spiel on 'How To Get The Most Out of a Squat.'

To start off, if you think that squats are easy then you need to try harder. Sorry to call you out; there is always something you can do to your squat to make it more challenging and effective. First and foremost before we advance onto adding things to the basic squat, we must discuss HOW TO DO A SQUAT in the first place.

Start by standing with a neutral spine with the back of your legs against a couch. Bend your knees and push your hips back, keep your chest high, knees pointed over toes, and bear your weight in the heels. At this point you should be either using your quadriceps to hold your weight up or already sitting on your couch. Whichever it may be, you did a squat. Everyone has a different fitness level when it comes to squats. Understanding this is key to your success in both learning the proper mechanics of a squat and the physical health of your body.

You may be wondering why it is SO important to learn the mechanics of a squat. Squats can make or break your fitness journey. How? You do squats EVERYDAY. Unless you never get out of bed, you do squats everyday. In every fitness program I have ever heard of, squats are implemented in some way. When you perform squats incorrectly, you can injure your spine and knees. Your spine becomes compressed which pinches nerves and continuous pressure could herniate discs. Also, your knees can become inflamed from the added pressure from uneducated strain.

Common misconceptions? The lower I go, the more of a workout I will have. The knee/back pain is normal. Squats have nothing to do with flexibility. I can only benefit from squats if I am lifting weights.


Everyone has a different fitness level. The lowest you can drop your booty and still maintain proper form will give you the greatest workout for YOU.

The pain is NOT normal unless it is a muscle FATIGUE pain. Become familiar with the difference between muscle pain (bad) and fatigue (good).

Squats do have something to do with flexibility so it is important to STRETCH before doing squats. The most important muscles to warm up before performing squats are: Calves, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, and your ankles!

You do NOT NEED to lift weights to benefit from squats. The most important part about squats is technique. You MUST be doing it correctly to gain any benefits from it. Before adding any weight ask yourself: Can I even squat using my own weight? If you can then take note HOW LOW you can go, HOW MANY reps can do at once, or HOW LONG can you hold that squat?

So what should you do next time you go to workout? LISTEN to your body. Know how strong your body is. Become familiar with how the proper way to perform a squat FEELS.

Signed: Haley McLaughlin 9-30-21

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Updated: Sep 25, 2021

Everyone would agree one of the best parts of a great Chix workout is the music. Pop, classic rock, Latin, the list goes on. Here at Fit Chix, we’ve got the beat! Where do the Chix instructors get their great music for workouts. The answer is . . . a variety of sources! Check out the following deals for workout music:

Spotify: $14.99 a month will get you a family plan for 6 members at same address

Power Music: $15 per month gives instructors great mixed music at various beats per minute to match the workout as needed. Apple Music: $14.99 a month for family plan that allowed access to songs in Apple I Tune Library. Never not been able to find the song I was looking for yet. Amazon Music: Comes with the Amazon Prime package. Yes Go: Another library of beats per minute songs for instructors. Again $15 a month.

We don’t just listen to music while working out. We hit the fast track on podcasts. Favorites?

True Crime Junkies: Two cool chicks from Indiana discuss a variety of unsolved crimes. They have gotten some solved due to their efforts. Check out one close to home with the Lauren Spirier case.

Clear + Vivid with Alan Alda. Interviews with variety of interesting subjects and celebrities. Favorite: 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Bible in a Year: Helps you read the scriptures by keeping you on track.

Devotional Doctors : Local Washington Co PhDs tie medicine and science to Bible subjects. My mama is an interviewee on her experiences with hospice care.

Let’s Talk with Michelle Hardman: Local Bedford resident interviews various businesses. Fit Chix and Rockin Rebels included!

Catch most of the on Apple and Spotify. Share your music package of choice and favorite podcasts with the Chix!

9/22/2021 SS

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Aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise? What's the difference and which do you think is better for you?

Aerobic exercise means "with oxygen", like walking, running, dance classes, etc. You are moving your body and breathing faster for an extended period of time.

Anaerobic exercise means "without oxygen" and includes short and intense activities. You are working at full capacity for a short period of time. Weigh lifting, squats, plyometric jumps and sprints would qualify.

So which would you want to do for weight loss. The Chix vote both, however there are pros and cons to both! Aerobic exercise at a steady pace is great for endurance and cardio vascular training. Anaerobic activities usually include HIIT which means an intense workout in a shorter period of time. You will burn more calories and increase metabolism. But it is not always for every participant as you may have to work your way up to the required level. Both exercise formats are beneficial to a well rounded routine.

Most Chix classes include both forms intermittently. You may do aerobic activity and then short bursts of anaerobic. Our Piyo class is primarily anaerobic. So take your pick, Chixters! Go for muscle endurance and calorie burn in all our classes. Remember, to "aer" is human, to "anaer" divine! (My little joke!) Whatever you do, get to Fit Chix and get in shape! Luv ya, signed The Chix.

9/21/21 SS

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