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Pink Sand



During the month of October, all Chixters wore pink to classes to support breast cancer treatment. Each time they showed up in pink they received a ticket for a drawing for a $25.00 gift card for use in the Rockin' Rebels shop. The winner of the drawing was Shannon Craig! Congrats to Sharron and all of you that participated. Your participation warranted a $100.00 donation to Lawrence County Cancer Patient Services.

Tips on how to help loved ones and friends through cancer treatment was discussed on the October Chix Chat v-log!

  • Ask how you can help.

  • Set up a phone team to keep friends and family updated.

  • Offer to help with daily tasks, like child care.

  • Listen and let them know you are there.

  • Take your cue from your friend on any discussion.

  • Everyone's illness is different.

  • Give thoughtful gifts. Possibilities: books, movies, puzzles.

Thank you Chixters for your generosity in helping the Chix Rock out the Pink this October!

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Fitness for children! Several fitness formats have developed programs for children including Zumba, Pound and Jazzercise. You might think why would kids today need fitness programs to stay healthy. They should be out playing, riding their bicycles, walking . . . but times have changed. Hand held game devices and TV have become the norm for the way many of the youth today spend their free time. Children need exercise though for obvious reasons:

  • Sleep better--Physically active kids sleep better.

  • Obesity and Weight issues.--The percentage of obese kids has doubled in the past 30 years. All children need to be active to combat weight problems.

  • Develops Healthy Habits--Get them started exercising while young and they will form good habits for adulthood.

  • Improves Behavior

  • Fights Disease

Adults need exercise. So do children. The Chix led Generation Pound and Dance for children at The Fall Fun Day at Bedford Parks. The children loved it. So what did we notice was different for us as instructors leading for the young generation?

  • Keep the moves simple.

  • Fewer songs for a smaller class. Most of the children only had an attention span of 2 songs.

  • Add games. Generation Pound provides games for a break.

  • Describe the moves in terms children will understand, i.e.: Reach for the stars, ice cream scoop, put on the seat belt, start the lawnmower, shark bite.

  • Get on the same level as the children. In other words, put on your kid hat and act like a kid!

Remember, kids 12-under take classes free with their parents at Fit Chix. They may not be able to make it the whole way but usually can do a few songs. So, hey kids of America, get up and exercise. Whatever way works best for you!

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Be prepared to defend yourself! The 10/9/21 Chix Chat included a powerful demonstration of self defense tactics for women presented by our very own Vicki Baker.

1. Be Aware. Check out your surroundings. Park nearby so you can easily leave.

2. Learn How to carry yourself. Stand talk and look others in the eye.

3. Be prepared. A demonstration was shown on a cross-body bag escape. When it comes to a choice of you or your possessions RUN. Possessions can be replaced. Have your keys out when leaving a building and carry them between your fingers for protection.

4. Not all assaults look like assaults when they start. Trust your instincts. Get out of a situation quickly when your intuition sends you signals.

5. Develop good practices. Never leave by yourself. Practice the buddy system.

6. If you find yourself cornered, FIGHT LIKE A WILD ANIMAL. Your life may depend on it.

Chixters! Stay safe and stay together!!!

Vicki Baker/SS 10/13/21

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